Saturday, August 7, 2010

My little 'list' books are coming in Handy!

With the kids coming over every day...starting Monday...
I know that I'm not going to get a lot of painting done.

(Although Jaime and I are kind of 'discussing' something that we might try
to work on...if at all possible, during that time.) little list books are really coming in handy...
as I make my lists of what I need to get done during this time.
I'm working on the Zazzle sites...all computer work...
and I'm designing all new lines...for Zazzle...
and I will be replacing a lot of the photos on my new website
with the they are finished.

The lists really do help me keep all my ducks in a row:)


Aubrie said...

Oh yes, I have lists all over my desk! They do come in handy. :)

The Words Crafter said...

I make fantastic lists. Every single thing I need to do gets written down. Then, I promptly misplace them!!! I hope you're able to cross many things off your list next week. I'm beginning to think you're SuperWoman!