Sunday, July 13, 2008

I need longer week-ends...

I do most of my canvas pieces on the week-ends....which, for me, means Saturdays. Since Sundays have been "family day" for years...I don't work on Sundays.
Too bad there aren't 2 Saturdays every week-end....ah well, it is what it least I have sketched out a lot of pieces --- that should keep me busy throughout the week!


The Rich Ant said...

I love all your work in all your Etsy stores! I can't wait to be either over my spending freeze so I can purchase one of your orignal pieces or maybe a gift from one of my friends for my b-day. I too am a fellow Etsyian. My store is new and so is my blogspot. Your work is inspiring. I am hoping to become as successful as you have been with Etsy.

CMZ Art/ Rustic Goth said...

Thanks for your comment! I do appreciate your kind words and interest in my art! I have checked your site out and I think you have some very nice pieces in your shop! Keep up the great work!!