Saturday, October 27, 2012

Farming and Art

I think I have new respect for farming...
even though I grew up in 'farming country'
I never thought much about
what a 'gamble' it really is
to do that for a living.

In comparing my own situation to farming..
I've prepared the soil
(my online shops)...

planted the seeds
(listed my artwork)

watered them
(regular new listings or renews)

and even fertilized them
(marketing and promotion)

'suddenly there was an eclipse of the sun'
that lasted much longer than usual
(Etsy changed the way they do things so my items
can no longer be found as they used to be...
and Zibbet just doesn't attract the traffic
Etsy does) the 'sun'...
my seeds won't grow and yield a harvest.
Not sure why Etsy chose the busiest time of the year for
most sellers on make such dramatic changes.. the farmer...
when I make the sales during my 'busy season'
I have to manage the funds
to get through the 'non-harvest' seasons...
...this year...
that's not looking so great.
Still have to pay the bills...

I'm not sure how much longer
my Etsy Shop will be
I just can't afford the fees
without some kind of
and I'm hoping that my
Zibbet Shop will be able to
'pay for itself'.

In the meantime...looks like I'll have no choice
going back to the 9 to 5 workforce...
if they'll have me.

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