I really wished I had a more
not that "I" mind it all that much..
when it comes to 'tweeting'..
or updating my FB fan page...
or even writing a blog post..
I realize...
I am somewhat boring
compared to those folks who actually get out of
their homes on occasion.
It's winter..
we've had a crapton of snow...
and the walks and driveway have
been like ice skating rinks
since early December.
I have been out a total of 5 times since the snow
so..when I go to update my
Twitter..FB and Blogs I realize
"oh my gosh...I don't have anything to say"
Mostly I just work
day and night..
and there isn't much I can say about that.
I really do need to think about
'getting a life'
even during those times that I don't leave the house.