Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why I'm Not Rich....

Yahoo had an article today...
"Why You're Not Rich"...
It gave 10 reasons why you're not rich..
and then '10 (more) reasons..'
Among the 10 More...

"You care what your car looks like.."

This is a picture of my car..
it's pretty beat up and battered..
and one of the headlights keeps blowing out,
so I can't even drive it after dark....

...and note the grass growing up in the driveway and sidewalk...

it brings me to the reason...

'You care what your neighbors think'...

My next door neighbor mows his lawn 2 or 3 times a day (or so it seems)...I think he's pretty horrified at the condition of my lawn!

I concede to the points...

..'having bad habits'...


..'not being prepared'..

I think the picture of the clutter...that is my home...speaks to that.


I am pretty diversified..

I do what I enjoy...

I LOVE to learn...

I'm not really sure why I'm not rich..

maybe NEVER having enough money to pay for the necessities

has something to do with it...????

But...I never give up...though it's sometimes a struggle...

so you never know...

maybe there's hope yet!!

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