Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Less is More

I was surprised to find how long it had been since my last post.
Suffice it to say...I have more on my plate than I'm
able to manage.

I have myself on so many sites...mainly because this is how I
make my living.
But...I think I'm beginning to learn that
'less is more'.

So...with that in mind...
over the next few days...
I will be closing several of my
online shops/sites.

I will...for sure...close
Bonanza and iCraft shops.
possibly my Rustic Goth Zibbet shop.

There's just not enough of 'me' to
go around.


Moon Art Design said...

I hear you there and there's no shame in that. There are too many online sites you could spend all day maintaining and updating.


Kim Vanlandingham said...

I can relate. Thing is, we have to try these things out to see if they will work. If they don't, letting go is the thing to do. I sometimes feel like I have to spend more time on the computer than in the studio. Crazy!

CMZ Art/ Rustic Goth said...

There really are so many online sites to offer our art...and yet...if we don't try one here...one there and so on...we won't know which are the gems and which are not.
I was fortunate to be on eBay when art sales were so very good and fortunate to find Etsy when eBay started going 'south'....I guess it's a good example of trying more than one site at a time.
But, when the sites just kind of 'sit there' moving nothing at all...it might be time to 'let them go:(