Friday, July 12, 2013

Christmas in July SALE

I am having a "Christmas in July" Sale in my 
as well as in my

I plan to run the Sale in both Shops for 10 days...the
Sale will end on July 22nd.

It's my intention to get down to only two or three sales a year
and this is one of those planned Sales.  

I'm offering some pendants in my Etsy Shop and when those are gone
I don't think I'll do any new ones.  It takes so long to put them's just
easier for me if I take those images to Zazzle and put them on pendants there.
It takes about as much time to put them there as it takes to do a listing on Etsy or ArtFire...
so when you consider the vast amount of time putting the pendants together...
trying to get decent photos...etc...
I'd be saving myself  TONS of time and think that's what I'll do.

In fact...I'm thinking...going forward I'm going to cut back to acrylic paintings 
(including the little ACEO paintings I do for eBay)
and digital original paintings and illustrations.
I'll continue to offer Scrabble Tile pendants...but that's it...and most of 
those will be offered on ArtFire.

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