Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Power of Positive Thinking

I know I've mentioned this in a post or two in the past..
but since I do so firmly believe this,
I find myself wanting to post it again and again.

My husband was the 'positive thinker'...
which I really needed
since I tended to be the more negative and skeptical one.

Over the years...I did begin to become a little more positive...
but I still have a long ways to go.

Thank goodness several of my children have more
of their dad's 'positivity'...
positive things just seem to 'follow' those children
whatever they choose to do.
And..during those times they allow a bit of 'negativity' to creep in...
things don't go as smoothly for them.

For those of us for whom 'positivity' doesn't come as easy...
we have to work a little harder...
the rewards are always great enough
to make it well worth it!

This is the attitude I'm taking while I'm determined
not to let myself get too sick
with whatever it is that has me a bit
under the weather.
And...I'll take all the positive vibes I can get!


Kathryn Dyche said...

I've always been a glass is half empty kind of person while my husband sees the glass as half full. Hope you feel better soon.

BlacknickSculpture said...

Sorry to hear your feeling under the weather. I hope your back on your feet soon!

The Words Crafter said...

I positively wish with all my heart that you overcome whatever it is that's trying to get you down.

And you're right, it is harder for some of us. I'm thankful for our positive thinking husbands.