Sunday, September 5, 2010

As Time Permits

The girls and I are hard at working...
creating a lot of new 'stuff' for the Fall Show and Shopping Season.

We'll be having some new pendants...
Scrabble Tile pendants.
We did a few tiles a couple years I have a lot
of tiles still on hand...and we've decided to finish them up
and see what we think.
I love the looks of the I think they should be a hit.

We're currently working on a lot of new
Checkbook Covers
List Covers and
Journal Covers.

Jaime's going to be painting some of her designs on a few...
so 'hopefully' I'll still be able to sell mine:)
(I'm truly envious...and proud...of Jaime's art.)
We're hoping to have some brand new time for the October show.
Being without my computer as long as I was...kept me from
being able to design the new mirrors I want to do this have them in time
for this first show...
so..hopefully...we'll be able to get them designed and sent off
when we're finished with the items we're currently working on. blogging is going to take another 'hit'.
I'll blog as I can...
I'm still reading my favorite blogs...
(I HAVE to do this for my own enjoyment)
but I'm not leaving as many comments...
it's a 'time' thing.

I am so hoping we can hurry up and get caught up
to the point that I actually have a little time
to read and relax...kind of 'do my own thing'...


Roland D. Yeomans said...

I strolled over here from Words Crafter's blog. Your art is evocative and haunting. I'm glad I found your blog, Roland

The Words Crafter said...

Well, fancy meeting you here, Roland! I'm glad you came by. And it's not even my blog!!! LOL.

Charlene, I so completely understand about the computer/internet thing. I am so far behind...I can't even think about it.

I am LOVING the new bookmark look. Very dramatic! I am saving up some $$$ so I can do some Christmas shopping. I am very excited to see what you're coming up with.

You and Jaime have very different styles, both equally beautiful and mysterious. You shouldn't worry.

I hope you can get lots accomplished and STILL find 'your own time' and relax.

Have a great week!