Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Couple New Paintings...

'We Each Have One'
9" x 12" on
Acrylic Paper

"All That Matters"
5" x 7"
Wooden Plaque

Believe it or not...I do have canvas to paint on but...
I also have so many little wooden plaques...
and I just bought the pad of Acrylic Paper
(much like Watercolor Paper)
and had to give it a try.
Both of these will need to be framed...maybe
I'll see what I can find when I make my next run to
Hobby Lobby.
I'll probably list these pieces today (Saturday)
and then turn my attention to
finishing a bunch of new pieces that I'm doing
for the show next Saturday.
We're doing some different ornaments...
the older crowd aren't as crazy
about my 'art ornaments'...
so we'll do a few different kinds and see
what happens.
Heaven knows I have all kinds of materials
leftover from my 'crafting days'
that I could probably do something with.
Among them...about five or six unfinished bread boards...
I'm thinking...
Snow Scenes or something.
We'll have to figure out how to do a
'Christmas Corner'
so the new stuff doesn't 'clash' too bad with
our current styles.


Creepie Cuties said...

Have I mentioned that I love these chars. I don't think I have lol. These guys are my favorite and these paintings just melt my heart.

Thats what I use is canvas sheets that comes in a pad so far my favorite to paint. Even though I have yet to try painting on the gallery style canvas but I have a few along with wooden plaques that is calling my name to paint on them.

Good luck with the show I hope it turns out great money wise and art wise :D

Anonymous said...

Wonderful again!